Mobile Apps

5 Things You Must Know Before Hiring a Custom Mobile App Company

Before hiring a custom mobile app company, learn the five essential things you must know. Gain insights and make informed decisions early on for success.

When your company is looking to work with a custom mobile app company, there are many factors that need to be taken into consideration throughout the process, including a few things that you need to decide on before you even contact an app development company. All app companies have a few standard questions that they will need to run through with you before beginning to develop your app, and being ready to answer to answer these questions before speaking with a custom app development company can help to speed up the process and streamline your communication.

1. Your Budget

You need to know what you are willing to spend on the application before reaching out to development companies so that you can quickly determine when a company’s bid is likely to be out of your budget. Also, ensure that you have realistic expectations of development costs. Yes, you might be able to find an app developer or mobile app company that will complete the project for less, but are they really going to provide the level of professionalism and quality that you are looking for? By setting a realistic budget, you can speak with companies and see if your app can be built within your budget or if you’ll need to limit the app’s features to do so. Read our piece on Budgeting For Your App for tips and tricks.

2. The Goal and Purpose of Your App

What is the actual purpose of your application? Is it to raise awareness of your business? Is it to sell your products to mobile customers? Is it to share information about your company? You must have a simple, singular goal for your application so that it can be designed with that purpose in mind. This helps to ensure that the custom mobile app company of your choice can laser-focus on the aspects of your app that will help you to meet your goals and grow your business.

3. Preferred Communication Method

How would you like the progress of your app to be communicated throughout the process? Do you have a preferred way that you would like to be contacted? Some development agencies are willing to contact you in the way that you would like while others have their own processes for communicating the progress of the project. Make sure that you speak with the company that you are considering hiring about the communication method and platforms that you will be using before signing on the dotted line, and also let them know what your own preferred methods are.

4. Time Frame Expectations

How soon do you need the app to be done, and will the agency that you choose to work with be able to help you meet that goal? Have some time frame and return expectations and goals, but also be willing to revise those expectations to meet something realistic for the company that you choose to work with. If you have no experience with app development, it can be difficult to estimate how long a particular project may take, so start with a time frame in mind but be willing to alter that time frame in order to give the app company enough time to deliver a superior product.

5. Your Platforms

Where will your app be published? Do you just want an iPhone app, or do you want it to be available on iPad, Android, Windows Phone and other platforms as well? This is incredibly important as each platform will require its own unique development and publishing processes and will significantly alter the scope of your project.

If you are looking for a custom mobile app company to build a highly effective app for your business, please contact us today. We’ll walk you through the initial steps and help you put together a plan that will benefit your business.

Talk to our team to scope your next project.