Custom Web App Development Company

Custom web apps that solve real human needs.

Depending on your unique business needs, a custom web app could be just what the technologist ordered. Here are some factors to consider when evaluating if a custom web app is right for you.

web application development
Apps that enshrine our clients' most valuable workflows - streamlined and architected for scale.
Designed for the entire data management lifecycle - from collection to analysis to presentation - our apps are built with data in mind.

why build a custom web app

We’re in the business of addressing human needs through technology.

web app development

Built for Scale

web app development

Custom Requirements

web app development


web app development

Screen Real Estate

web app development


web app development

Protect Valuable Workflows

web app development

Cost to Maintain and Deploy

web app development

No App Store Required

web app development

Move from Info to Insights

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custom web app development services

Thoughtful custom web app architecture design.

Designing your system architecture is one of the first and most important tasks that your web app development company needs to accomplish because it has such a significant impact on the core elements of any application: performance, scalability, maintainability, and security.

A custom web application admin dashboard
web app development scaling


As you’ve probably discerned by now, we like to use houses as analogies for apps. As it relates to scaling, we ask our clients to visualize a house party with a ton of people in attendance. If there’s a bottleneck and people are crowding in front of the house, it could be because your sidewalk isn’t wide enough to welcome everyone in at the same time. It could also be because your house is too small to host everyone at once.  As this relates to apps, increasing the number of servers (called horizontal scaling) is the same as widening the sidewalk to let more people through. Increasing the size/power of your existing server (vertically scaling) is the same as building a bigger house. Setting up the proper architecture from the beginning gives you the flexibility to consider either or both as your app grows in reach and usage.

web app development security


As our company and the industry overall have innovated, so have cyber criminals. In fact, cybercrime is now the third largest economy in the world behind the US and China. The requirements for threat protection are as vast and as fluid as the number of threats. As cyber criminals innovate, so must you. Thinking through data encryption, authentication, and access controls is critical—especially when it comes to HIPAA-compliant apps. Additionally, as GDPR-style privacy laws spread throughout the U.S., determining how you will collect and protect end-user data is critical.

web app development compliance


Regulations, and InsuranceNow more than ever, architecture design needs to incorporate your business’s IT or cybersecurity requirements. Sometimes these requirements are driven by industry standards; other times, your own internal security playbooks are a primary consideration. Designing architecture requirements without regard for insurance or regulatory perspectives can make for more costly changes later down the timeline of project delivery.

web app development technical support

Technical Requirements

Sometimes, technical requirements can be at odds with each other. For instance, there are certain technical requirements that demand near-zero latency while others that require higher security protocols. Doing the work to define and prioritize requirements is important to design the right type of architecture.

web app development peformance


When making decisions related to performance, there are several important factors to consider including the need for speed within the confines of your platform choice (web vs. mobile); how much data you are moving back and forth; and your ongoing budget for server spend.

web app development maintainability


Flexibility and InteroperabilityWe design your architecture the same way we design your apps—using industry best practices including thorough documentation, flexibility to adapt to changing requirements over time, and the ability to integrate nicely with other tools.

web app development reliability and disaster recovery

Reliability and Disaster Recovery

The big three hosting providers (GCP, Azure, and AWS) have great out-of-the-box tools for redundancy and backups. However, you still need to consider how to configure your account and design your architecture for managing server crashes and network problems as well as building a recovery plan in case of total loss, including those losses resulting from cybercrime.

web app development cost


We finalize your architecture design by balancing your budget against all other items listed above, and then testing that design against your business goals. Furthermore, we’re careful to educate you on the various costs associated with your project along the way (monthly hosting is a commonly overlooked item) to avoid any financial surprises.


Why work with AppIt?

We are the real deal – ask anyone.

Our reputation for delivering the highest quality custom apps that enhance, impact and improve lives is well known. Having successfully developed over a thousand apps for clients of every stripe, 5-star ratings, and a serial award winning team – you can be confident your needs are in the best hands.

We improve lives through technology, together.

We believe so strongly in the breakthrough benefits of technology that we are willing to share in the up-front risks of development. Backed by our proven process, we like to put our money where our mouth is.

Most rigorous discovery process in the industry.

Details make the difference. Our four-phase process and detailed estimates eliminate vague or overlooked items, mitigate risk, and provide peace of mind every step of your journey.

Blending is our super-power.

Your project will benefit tremendously from our blended development approach. Our talent allocation model ensures the right resources are in place, at the right time, to deliver the results you need, when you need it.

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